Have you ever been in one of those busy seasons where you look back at the past month and try to figure out the last weekend you were actually home? Yep. Same. This is me right now. This past weekend was the first in what feels like forever that I’ve been firmly planted at home, and it was a serious game of catch up. I’m pretty ok with it, though. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from blogging for so long, it’s that different seasons of life create different blogging opportunities. This one happens to be busy, and I’m (trying to be) content just riding the wave of “this cannot be something I stress about doing”. Anyone else, or is this just me?!
A Recap
This edition of The Grid consists mostly of my trip to Phoenix. I’m not (NOT) a last minute trip planner… but everything aligned this past week for a quick couple of days visiting my sister. So I went. I worked at coffee shops, sat by the pool, and just generally ate a lot of chips + salsa. And, now I understand why people become snowbirds. If 80 degrees and sunny in March is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Looking Ahead
What’s next? I’m aiming to get back to consistent and regular posting through April + May! As I mentioned here, I’ll also be getting together a post about where I’ll be this summer, which I’m really excited to share. I’ve got that reading list recap coming, too, and more spring style inspiration because I could not be happier for the changing weather.
How has the start of your spring been?