So, Arizona. This was only my second time visiting, and I’m continually amazed at how it still exceeds my expectations. I always have this idea that Arizona is just a total desert wasteland… and then I’m there, and (spoiler!) it’s not a wasteland! Perfect.
My sister and I bounced around from Phoenix to Sedona and the Grand Canyon, and my time there mostly involved eating lots of Acai bowls and hiking. Which if you know me, means it was the absolute best trip ever. The crazy beautiful landscape didn’t hurt, either. If you’re not sick of seeing my outdoor adventures pictures, you might be after this post but I am zero percent sorry. Thanks Arizona for being rad.
There is nothing quite like exploring the canyons is there? One of my friends recently went on a trip to Utah and she had the most amazing time navigating the canyons there on a tour that she booked using the Dreamland Tours website. I might have to join her next time as I simply adore spending time adventuring in the outdoors! Although, if I can’t resist the pull of Arizona again, (and I suspect this may be the case) it looks like there are antelope canyon tours available so I’ll get to explore another beautiful spot. You know the old saying: it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!
Oh, and by the way I’m about 97% sure I wore that exact Grand Canyon hiking look in pictures from the last time I was in Arizona. It’s not easy being as stylish as I am, ok?! In all seriousness, I had a fantastic trip! If I was to go back to the Grand Canyons I would definitely consider RV Rental. I could easily spend a couple of days driving around the National Park in an RV, it sounds like my dream vacation!